Couples in love sometimes synchronize heartbeat and brain patterns. Not kidding! Couples who have been hooked up to monitors for their heart and brain functions were found to synchronize, every few moments, while interacting with each other. This is often explained as “momentary love,” in which we have a moment that makes us feel loved, and is the backbone to long-term love. Thinking Of Love And Sex Influences Creativity And Concrete Thinking, Respectively Research based on the construal …
Tag: kind
Wrote this article to make the top 10 good women that has existed and that we know of in the World in all time. Numerals are not intended to put them in competition, being 1 better than 3 for example, they are just listed randomly.
Sometimes I feel like God abandoned us to our own luck, to our own destiny, only to the pure and objective result of our decisions, decisions of others and natural variables that play in our life. Sometimes life is not easy, nor fun. Rapidly I come to sense, God exists and love us, specially those who love him back, He is atemporal, so billions of years is a millisecond to him or so, and he is in everytime at the …